UFS Africa

“Why is this happening to me?”

This is NOT a new question.

A long time ago, a man was born into a burden many would say he didn’t deserve. But just like what you’re facing right now, it wasn’t the end of his story. In fact, his story was just beginning!

Let’s check out what that man never saw coming.

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Living in the dark is hard.

Emotional challenges cloud our judgment. Mental battles make us feel blindsided from every direction. Relationships take wrong turns and lead us into loneliness. In short – we have all been blinded by life before.

Jesus Healed The Man Whether He Deserved It Or Not.

We don’t know the background story of this man. Like Jesus’s disciples, we can wonder if he had done something to deserve the blindness he was living with. Jesus, however, saw the bigger picture. He knelt down, met the man where he was, and welcomed him into the light.

Jesus Sees You Where You Are

He loves you. He is saying to you today, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Jesus Can Handle Anything.

The doctors of that time had nothing at their disposal to help the blind man. No man on earth could help him. What you’re fighting may very well be too strong for you to beat on your own. But Jesus is BOTH all man and all God. There is nothing we can’t do with His help.

You Are A Part Of Something Bigger Than Yourself.

Emotional challenges cloud our judgment. Mental battles make us feel blindsided from every direction. Relationships take wrong turns and lead us into loneliness. In short – we have all been blinded by life before.

You don’t have to dwell in your darkness. The things blinding you right now do not have to rule your future. Jesus kneels down to all of us, asking us to trust Him with what we can’t handle.

“Give all of your worries and cares to God, because He cares about you.”

Are you ready to see your world in a new way?

Yes, I am ready I am not ready yet, but I want to learn more