Privacy Policy

Last updated: September 16, 2021.

Unfinished Story is committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what we do with it, no matter how you interact with us. That is whether you want to use our services, want information, training or want to learn more about what we do.

We are committed to using your personal information in accordance with our responsibilities. We are required to provide you with the information in this Privacy Statement under applicable law.

We will not do anything with your information you would not reasonably expect. Please know that we are committed to protecting and appropriately handling the private and personal information of users of our services. We are publishing this Privacy Statement to let you know how we handle personal information.

When we use the terms “we” “us” or “our”, we refer to Unfinished Story and affiliated partners.

Unfinished Story is an international network of local organizations across the globe. Unfinished Story exists by the presence of all the participating partners all over the world. For the purpose of delivering our services, projects, and appeals, we may share personal information with one with our Unfinished Story Partners.

This privacy notice tells you about how we collect, use and protect your personal information. If you have any questions about our Privacy Statement, please get in touch with us:

Em​ail: [email protected]

What is personal information?

For the purposes of this Privacy Statement, personal information is information about you, individually, such as name, address, telephone number, email address, and your personal preferences, interests (including religious views), and other information you may share with us etc.

What personal information do we collect?

We may collect and store personal information…

…when you visit our website.

You can visit our website without telling us who you are or revealing personal information about yourself, including your e-mail address. Our web server may collect anonymous information related to your visit to our website, such as IP address and domain used to access our website, browser type, the website you came from to access our website, the page you entered and exited at, any website page within our website that is viewed by that IP address and the country where you are located. We use this information to monitor our website’s performance (such as number of visits, average time spent, page views, etc.) and for our operational purposes, such as working to continually upgrade our website.

…when you directly give us personal information.

We may collect and store information about you when you interact with us through the Site or other Unfinished Story related Sites. For example, this could be when you…

…use any of the contact forms provided on our website;

…register for one of our (email) services;

…give us feedback;

…make a complaint;

…correspond with a representative of Unfinished Story;

…when you indirectly give us information.

When you interact with us on social media platforms such as Facebook (Messenger), WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn, we may also obtain some personal information about you. The information we receive will depend on the privacy preferences you have set on each platform and the privacy policies of each platform. To change your settings on these platforms, please refer to their privacy statement.

Also, we may obtain information about your visit to our site, for example the pages you visit and how you navigate the site, by using cookies. Please check the Cookies section in this Privacy Statement for more information.

If you are 16 or under?

If you are aged 16 or under, you must get your parent’s/guardian’s permission before you provide any personal information to us.

What information might we collect?

When you engage with us by phone, mail, in person or online, we may collect information about you (referred to in this Privacy Statement as ‘personal information’). This may include your name, address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, job title and details of your education and career, why you are interested in Unfinished Story, and other information relating to you personally which you may choose to provide to us.

Data protection law recognizes that certain types of personal information are more sensitive. This is known as ‘sensitive’ or ‘special category’ personal information and covers information revealing racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs and political opinions, trade union membership, genetic or biometric data, information concerning health or data concerning a person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

With your explicit consent, we may also collect sensitive personal information if you choose to tell us about your experiences relating to our services.

How and why do we use your information?

We will use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • Responding to a request: If you contact us with a question, we may use your personal information to provide you with a response.
  • Monitoring and Evaluating: We may use your information in order to improve current and future delivery of our services. In order to do so, we may use services of service providers.
  • Providing and developing our website: We may use your personal information to help provide you with access to our website, personalize your experience, and improve and develop it further.
  • Administration: We may use your personal information to record and deal with a complaint, record a request not to receive further marketing information, record what our volunteers have done for us, and for other essential internal record keeping purposes.
  • Protecting your vital interests: We may process your personal information where we reasonably think that there is a risk of serious harm or abuse to you or someone else.
  • Market research and surveys: We may invite you to participate in surveys or market research to help us improve our website, fundraising, services and strategic development. Participation is always voluntary and no individuals will be identified as a result of this research, unless you consent to us publishing your feedback.
  • Profiling: we try to make our products/services, and the communication about this as relevant and personal as possible. This includes the following: analyzing, collecting and combining (sensitive) personal data with the aim of classifying you in a certain category. Through profiling, we can derive the profile and associated interests and what content you may be interested in. Profiling can have an impact on your privacy. This could be due to incorrect or outdated data that has linked categories to you. If the above is the case, you can contact [email protected]. ​We will then take further measures, such as resetting your profile.

Who do we share your information with?

We will only use your information for the purposes for which it was obtained. We will not, under any circumstances, sell or share your personal information with any third party for their own purposes, and you will not receive marketing from any other companies, charities or other organizations as a result of giving your details to us.

We will only share your data for the following purposes:

  • Third party suppliers: We may need to share your information with data hosting providers or service providers who help us to deliver our services, projects, or fundraising activities and appeals. These providers will only act under our instruction.
  • Right now, we have an agreement with 1 service provider:
    • Global Media Outreach (situated in the United States)
  • Where legally required: We will comply with requests where disclosure is required by law. For example, we may disclose your personal information to the government for tax investigation purposes, or to law enforcement agencies for the prevention and detection of crime. We may also share your information with the emergency services if we reasonably think there is a risk of serious harm or abuse to you or someone else.
  • We always aim to ensure that personal information is only used by those third parties for lawful purposes in accordance with this Privacy Statement.

Third party Sites and Information

The Site may contain links to other Web sites that are run by third parties such as other organizations, Sponsors, Content Providers and Advertisers. Once you’ve clicked on a link or button activator for an outside Site, you will leave the Site and be taken to sites that we do not control, and our privacy policy no longer applies on those sites. You must read the privacy policy of the third-party website concerning how personal information will be used. We also provide content created by third-parties on certain of our Sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Content Providers or Third-Party websites.

How do we protect your information?

We use technical and corporate organizational safeguards to ensure that your personal information is secure. We limit access to information on a need-to-know basis and take appropriate measures to ensure that our people are aware that such information is only used in accordance with this Privacy Statement.

We undertake regular reviews of who has access to information that we hold to ensure that your information is only accessible by appropriately trained staff, volunteers and contractors.

Please be aware that there are always inherent risks in sending information by public networks or using public computers and we cannot 100% guarantee the security of data (including personal information) disclosed or transmitted over public networks.

How long will we keep your personal information?

If you request that we stop processing your personal information for the purpose of marketing we may in some instances need to add your details to a suppression file to enable us to comply with your request not to be contacted.

In respect of other personal information, we will retain it for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

What are your rights to your personal information?

Data protection legislation gives you the right to request access to personal information about you which is processed by Unfinished Story and to have any inaccuracies corrected. You also have the right to ask us to erase your personal information, ask us to restrict our processing of your personal information or to object to our processing of your personal information.

If you wish to exercise these rights, please email us along with copies of two separate identification documents which provide photo identification and confirm your address, such as a passport, driving license, or utility bill. Please also provide any additional information that is relevant to the nature of your contact with us, as this will help us to locate your records.

E​mail a copy of the form along with scans or photos of your two forms of identification to [email protected].

We will respond within 30 days, on receipt of your request and copies of your identification documents.

How to make a complaint or raise a concern?

If you would like more information, or have any questions about this policy, to make a formal complaint about our approach to dat​a protection or raise privacy concerns please contact us at [email protected].

If you would like to make a complaint in relation to how we have handled your personal information, please follow our complaints procedure. If you are not happy with the response you receive, then you can raise your concern with the relevant statutory body.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files which are downloaded to and stored on your device when you visit a website. Cookies are widely used by website owners to provide you with a good experience while you browse, and also to provide information which can help website owners to improve websites.

When you visit our website, we may place a “cookie” on your computer to track your visit. The cookie acts as an identification card and allows our website to identify you and to retain information that is relevant to interacting with our website. The cookie allows us to track your visit to the website so that we can better understand your use of our website and customize it to better meet your needs.

What cookies do we use and for what purpose?

We use a variety of cookies across our site. The following list contains details of the specific cookies used, though we may use additional or alternative cookies at any time.

Please note that third parties (including, for example, advertising networks and providers of external services like web traffic analysis services) may also use cookies, over which we have no control. Some cookies enhance your experience whilst using the site by recognizing you when you return to our site, for example, by remembering accessibility preferences. Some cookies enable us to monitor and improve the performance of our website. For example, they allow us to count visits, identify traffic sources and see which parts of the site are most popular.

We use the following functional cookies on our site:

  • Cloudflare: This cookie is used to speed up page load times.
  • Google Tag Manager: The cookies associated with this tag management system allow for easy measurement of tags on the website.
  • DoubleClick: This cookie helps build a profile of your interests and show you relevant ads on other sites.
  • Facebook: These cookies contains Encrypted Facebook ID and Browser ID and allow provide information for advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.
  • Google AdSense: These cookies help website publishers in the Google Network achieve advertising efficiency.
  • Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set when the customer first lands on a page to help identify how visitors use the page.
  • Google Analytics. This cookie is used to monitor and track traffic on our website, by using the Google Analytics interface.

How can I control the use of cookies?

Most internet browsers automatically accept cookies unless you change your browser settings. If you wish to restrict, block or delete the cookies which are set by any websites, you can generally do this through your browser settings. These settings are usually found in the ‘options’ or ‘preferences’ menu of your internet browser.

Please note however that if you set your internet browser preferences to block all cookies, you may not be able to access all or parts of our site. Unless you have adjusted your internet browser settings to block cookies, our site will set cookies.

When do we change our Privacy Statement?

Our Privacy Statement may change from time to time, so please check this page occasionally to see if we have included any updates or changes.


These Terms and Conditions for Use apply to the use of Unfinished Story as defined below. Please read these Terms and Conditions for Use carefully; your use of this website indicates your acceptance of them.


  1. The capitalised terms listed below have the following meaning in the Conditions for Use:

Content: all information provided, changed or uploaded by the User for public viewing or usage;

Organization: Unfinished Story, a network of global partners active on the website [email protected].

Information: all information, data and files incorporated in the Service which is made available to the User by the Organization or its Partners, including but not limited to online training, documentation, materials and online tools;

Intellectual Property Rights all intellectual property rights and related rights such as copyright, trademark rights, patent rights, design rights, trade name rights, and database rights.

Privacy Policy: the Privacy Policy;

Partner: Another organisation or a company/ an organisation that entered into a partnership agreement with Unfinished Story and/or who provides Information to the Service;

Service: the service information provided by the Organization to the User in order to enable him to explore, experience and learn through the Service and connect with other Users;

User: a person that is using the Service;

Website: refers to one or more websites maintained by the Organization.


  1. The Terms and Conditions for Use apply to every use made by the User of the Service.
  2. The Organization is at all times authorised to amend or supplement these Terms and Conditions for Use. The most up-to-date Terms and Conditions for Use can always be found on the Website. User indicates acceptance of amended or supplemented Terms and Conditions for Use by continuing to use the Website.


  1. The Organization may at all times (i) make functional, procedural or technical changes or improvements to the Service and (ii) temporarily or permanently take out of service, restrict the use of or terminate the Service.
  1. Each and every use of the Service and Content provided is at the risk and responsibility of the User. The Organization is not responsible for the Content which is made available by Users through use of the Service.
  2. User agrees that he will not post any Content on the Website or otherwise use the Website in a way that is inconsistent with the Organization’s positive message. Impermissible uses include, but are not limited to the following:
    a. use the Service and/or make Content available in a way that is false and/or misleading, including, but not limited to, the adoption of a false identity and/or making the incorrect suggestion that the User is in any way commercially connected with the Organization;
    b. make Content available which contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, bots or other software that can damage, disable or delete the Service or makes it inaccessible, or which alters the Information;
    c. harm the interests and reputation of the Organization or its Partners;
    d. collect data from Users through the Service and use this data for other purposes than those that are listed or intended in the Terms and Conditions for Use;
    e. reproduce, publish or sell the Information which is obtained through the Service;
    f. use contact information which is provided by Users for any commercial, non-commercial or charitable communication as well as any other unsolicited communication other than the intended purposes of the Service;
    g. make Content available that contains advertisement, other than with the the Organization’s express permission;
    h. engage third parties to perform any of the above-mentioned acts.
  3. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Content he makes available through the Service can be used by other Users without changing the content and indicating the source/reference.
  4. The Organization reserves the right to modify, refuse or delete Content or to restrict the use of or terminate the User’s Account if the Content or use is unacceptable in the Organization’s sole discretion.
  5. If a User is of the opinion that certain Content infringes his or her rights and/or the rights of other Users or a third party the User should notify the Organization immediately by way of Article 10.
  6. The User can choose to link the Service to his or her Twitter, Facebook, or Google account so that any Content made available through the Service automatically appears on his or her Twitter-, Facebook-, or Google+-account. Linking the Service to a Twitter-, Facebook-, or Google+-account is for the risk and responsibility of the User. The Organization is not responsible with respect to the availability and well-functioning of Twitter, Facebook and/or Google+, nor for the correct functioning of the link between the Service and Twitter, Facebook and/or Google+.
  7. The Service may contain links to third party websites that are not owned or controlled by the Organization. The Organization has no control over and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party websites.


  1. The Intellectual Property Rights in relation to the Service, including the intellectual property rights regarding the Website and the Information, are held by the Organization or its licensors.
  2. Under the conditions set out in these Terms and Conditions for Use, the Organization will grant the User a limited, personal, revocable, non-exclusive, non-sub-licensable and non-transferable right to access and use the Service, including the Information, insofar as is necessary for User’s personal, non-commercial use of the Service.
    “3. All Intellectual Property Rights in relation to Content will remain with the User who made the Content available through the Service. User acknowledges and accepts that by making the Content available through the Service, he automatically and free of charge grants the Organization an unlimited, worldwide, irrevocable,
    sub-licensable and transferable right to reproduce the Content and make the Content available, insofar as is necessary for the provision of the Service.”
  3. The User will, in accordance with applicable law, renounce all moral rights in the Content
  4. The User guarantees that there are no Intellectual Property Rights of third parties which preclude making the Content available through the Service and/or providing the license as mentioned in Article 5.3.
  5. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions for use is intended to transfer any Intellectual Property Rights to the User. The User shall refrain from any act that infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of the Organization or its Partners, including, but not limited to, the registration of domain names, trademarks or Google Adwords that are identical or similar to any object to which the Organization holds Intellectual Property Rights, as well as the reproduction, modification, reverse engineering or publishing the Service, including the Information, for other purposes than those listed in the Terms and Conditions for Use.


All personal data provided by User will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy and all applicable laws and regulations.


  1. The User indemnifies and holds harmless the Organization against any damages and costs which the Organization incurs as a result of (i) User’s breach of the Terms and Conditions for Use (ii) any use the User makes of the Service or (iii) User’s unlawful act.
  2. The User guarantees the correctness and lawfulness of all Content that is provided to the Organization in relation to the use of the Service.
  3. The User guarantees that he is entitled to use the Service and that he will act in accordance with the Terms and Conditions for Use.


  1. The Organization accepts no liability for damages that result from providing the Service, except as arise from the Organization’s gross negligence.
  2. The creation of any right to compensation is always conditional on the User reporting the damage in writing to the Organization as soon as possible after it has come about. Any claim for compensation vis-à-vis the Organization will be cancelled simply by the expiry of twelve months after the damage first arose.


  1. The Organization is not liable for any damages in connection with the inappropriate use of the Service by the User. After receiving a notification that is sufficiently precise and adequately substantiated, the Organization will make every effort to remove or block access to inappropriate Content.
  2. The Organization has established the procedure described below, by which any alleged inappropriate Content available through the Service can be reported to the Organization. This can be done via a notification to [email protected].
  3. The Organization reserves the right to not grant a request to remove or block access to Content or to stop an activity in case it has reasonable grounds to doubt the accuracy of the notification or in case a balancing of interests requires this. In such a situation the Organization can require an order from a court of the applicable jurisdiction to remove the Content.
  4. The Organization will not be a party to a dispute between the person making the report and any third party arising out of or in connection with a notification.
  5. The person making the notification indemnifies and holds harmless the Organization against all claims of third parties in relation to the blocking or removal of Content or the stopping of activities. The indemnification includes all damages and costs the Organization suffers in relation to such a claim, including but not limited to the compensation of legal assistance.
  6. The Organization respects and protects the privacy of those who provide notifications. All personal data that it receives as part of a notification will always be processed in accordance with the applicable privacy laws and will only be used to process the notification.


  1. The User can discontinue his use of the Service and terminate his Account at any time.
  2. The Organization reserves the right to terminate the User’s Account (temporarily or permanently) or to delete Content for any reason, including but not limited to, cases in which the User, in the Organization’s opinion, has breached these Terms and Conditions for Use.
  3. In the event of termination for cause of the agreement, no reversal will take place of that which the Organization has already delivered and/or performed.
  4. After termination by the User, the Organization will remove the Content that the User has made available to the Organization through use of the Service.


  1. The ​Terms and Conditions for Use and the use of the Service are subject to United States ​law.
  2. To the extent that national or international rules of law do not prescribe mandatory conditions to the contrary, any and all disputes arising from or related to the Service or the Terms and Conditions for Use will be brought before the court.
  3. The organization may transfer rights and obligations arising from these Terms and Conditions for Use to third parties and will notify the User of this.
  4. If at any time any provision of these Terms and Conditions for Use is or becomes invalid for any reason, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the Terms and Conditions for Use and such invalid provision shall be replaced by such other provision which, being valid in all respects, shall have effect as close as possible to that of such replaced one.